Our Services and fees

Hemaview - Live Blood Analysis

Hemaview - Live Blood Analysis

Conventional medicine is used very effectively to relieve symptoms and many times save lives. Yet despite its advances there has been a dramatic renaissance in the use of herbs and supplements to ward off illness or treat existing conditions.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimate that 80% of people worldwide rely on herbal medicines for some part of their health care.

 At DP Herbals we have the skill and expertise to acknowledge both the natural and medical world and effectively prescribe specifically for you. We treat most health disorders safely and effectively such as:

 Skin conditions, autoimmune conditions, asthma, allergies, menopause, insomnia, insulin resistance,  PMS, fatigue, stress, digestive problems, low energy, reproductive concerns both male and female, infertility, depression, arthritis, weight loss, high cholesterol, hypertension, colds and flu’s………..and so on.

 *For conditions that are complex and potentially life threatening DP Herbals will refer to the appropriate medical professionals.


Initial Consultation

For new clients - This includes a live blood analysis, comprehensive and holistic consultation. Clinical blood test can be ordered at this time. You will receive a 5-page report.

90 Minutes - $165



Follow up (60min)

This includes a live blood analysis which allows us to review the treatment and see how you are going.

60 Minutes - $100




A useful way of catching up when time is at a premium. Live blood analysis not included.

30 Minutes - $70



telehealth Consultation (45min)

No need to travel. A convenient, comprehensive and holistic discussion using video conferencing regarding your presenting health concerns. This will also include a summary of the discussion emailed to you within 24hrs period. Live blood analysis not included.

45 Minutes - $85




This is for those who want a “one off” health check once and awhile and also comes with a 5-page report. The consult is less in depth and targeted at a particular condition or ailment.  A very valuable tool for anyone already on a health program be it detox, weight loss. It is also requested by those in training (athletes) specialised care (pregnancy, fertility) and of course those who wish to monitor their state of inflammation, allergy and nutritional state (Arthritis, food intolerance, vegans)

60 Minutes - $115




Neuro-emotional Technique (NET) is a mind-body stress-reduction technique. We use NET to find and remove brain imbalances related to unresolved stress. In doing this we remove any emotional blocks to the natural healing of your body.

60 Minutes - $100



Clinical testing 

This can be done by going through DP Herbals instead of going to your GP for tests such as FBC, liver function, fasting cholesterol, HBA1C, thyroid function, vitamin D levels, iron, B12 and folate. We recommend for complex testing to go through your GP. Results will be given straight away to the client with appropriate recommendations.

Cost depends on the test ordered



Allergy screening testing


Combined Dietary Antigen Test (both 588G and 588E plus complement)                             

A very comprehensive test, this Dietary Antigen Test is designed to show which commonly ingested foods are causing a response within your immune system. Once foods are identified then you can choose either a restrictive of not so restrictive diet to follow that is set out for you in your report.




Blood pressure, Pulse and Blood sugar testing  

If required at the time of any of our consults these will be done. However, if you would like DP Herbals to check on your cardiovascular system then we are happy to do so. Recommendations will be given based on the results free of charge.



Herbal dispensary on site with Eftpos and visa


DP Herbals clinic provides its users with a professional range of vitamins, minerals and of course herbal formulations that is unavailable in retail stores.

These are therapeutic - meaning that they can create change in the body and therefore should only be dispensed by a qualified practitioner.
